
Build your own plug and play AudioCubes synth in Reaktor using Salamanderanagram's macros


A couple of weeks ago, Bert shared with you Salamanderanagram's FM operator synth videos built in Reaktor using AudioCubes and Topology Mode

Since posting those videos Salamanderanagram rolled his Reaktor modules into a macro and made a tutorial video on how you can use the macro in Reaktor and topology mode in MIDIBridge 3.

It is a very powerful macro that lets you interpret the topology mode data (MIDI note triggers and MIDI CC messages) coming from MIDIBridge and make it usable in Reaktor. The macro is now available for download here.

Salamanderanagram's Reaktor Macro for AudioCubes and topology mode

The Reaktor macro contains 4 audio modules (oscillator, envelope, mixer, filter) with 8 outputs, 2 for each face. Each module has a unique color so the user can tell what's what. One output tells which cube is detected, the other one shows the distance information. This makes it easy to connect modules when cubes detect each other and to change sound parameters when the distance is changed between cubes. Check out the video below to learn more about using this macro! 

After choosing the MIDI in and out ports in MIDIBridge and Reaktor, you can load the macro in a Reaktor Ensemble. Once you enter the cube number in one of the Reaktor modules, the face number detected as well as distance measured is available for use in the way you want in Reaktor. To see the macro in action, check out the video below.